Our skin is a reflection of what is happening inside the body...
The gut, the liver, the nervous system, the immune system...
Here's what happens with eczema:
Within the gut, the microbiome (bacterial community in the gut) is likely out of balance, this can happen right from birth which explains why such small children can be affected. (See previous post on probiotics to learn a bit more about this). The overgrowth of unhelpful organisms begin to cause inflammation and damage to the gut lining (leaky gut).
Often there are also food intolerances or allergies present which also cause inflammation and leaky gut.
The lining of the intestines becomes permeable, allowing particles from digestion to leak into the bloodstream, which triggers an immune reaction and inflammation which travels through the bloodstream and manifests in different ways for different people. For some people this inflammation travels to the skin and presents as eczema.
The 'gut brain' is a very real connection. When we are stressed it will immediately affect digestion (think nervous poo), and when the gut is out of whack it completely affects how we think and feel. For some (not all) people, stress is a major factor in the development and progression of eczema.
The liver is responsible for (among many other things) removing toxins from the body. If the liver is burdened (with stress, alcohol, medications or other toxic exposure), toxin removal will not be effective, and bile production may not be optimal, affecting digestion, For these reasons, an unhappy liver can contribute to eczema.
There are also nutrient deficiencies related to eczema such as omega 3 and vitamin D, however in my experience these are more related to the inability to heal, rather than the root cause of the condition,
So if eczema is a thing for you or your family, we need to take a step back and investigate. We need to identify and remove food intolerances, manage stress, treat any microbiome imbalances and support the liver. We need to make sure the diet is replete in all nutrients required for healing, and support the body back to it's natural state which is healthy, leaving the skin smooth and eczema free.