Massive call I know.. but I honestly here's why:
Problem: Sore/tight/achy muscles
Yoga Fix: Manageable stretches which can be modified to feel good, even for the tightest of bodies
Problem: Recurrent injuries
Yoga Fix: By strengthening stabilising muscles as well as the big moving muscles, the skeleton becomes more stable. Connective tissue becomes more strong and lubricated, muscles become more elastic-like rather than stiff, ready to snap-like.
Problem: Excess fat
Yoga Fix: As we use our own body weight to tone the muscles, we increase our basal metabolic rate. Fat becomes replaced by muscle, we begin to see definition where previously buried by fat, and the kilos melt away eventually.
Problem: Fatigue
Yoga Fix: Although it takes energy making it to class, you will be amazed how the practice energises you! During the practice and after - energy which can last several days, and with a regular practice can shift fatigue permanently (all other factors covered eg diet of course)
Problem: Mood swings, mental health issues, stress
Yoga Fix: Many partners love it when their partners go to yoga - they come back happier and calmer. Content-ness which with a regular practice can last. Studies have shown yoga with all its elements to be an effective treatment for anxiety, insomnia, depression, stress, ADHD. This is due to the relaxation, the concentration, the extra blood flow to the brain and the exercise involved, as well as the self connection.
I could go on and on.. but in a nutshell, I honestly believe Yoga is the ultimate form of Mind/Body exercise. The asana (physical movements) tone the body and stimulate the organ function. The pranayama (breathing) and meditation train the monkey mind, aiding a shift from excessive thinking to clarity and calm.
Physical, mental, emotional and energetic health are very much linked - at Yoga we tick all boxes, making it such an efficient hour!
Many people avoid trying yoga for fear of not being able to do it properly, looking silly or being judged. A good Yoga class will have options to suit all bodies and limitations. A good Yoga class is supportive, inclusive and non judgy. Nobody is watching you, as everyone (like you) is too worried about their own self to pay any attention to you.
At worst, you waste an hour of your life and hate it. At best, you feel AMAZING after the practice, and find something that you can practice for life - pulling you through even the hardest times, supporting your overall health forever.
Convinced? Just do it. Get along to a class (recommendations from friends may help, or go with a friend). If you go to one class and hate it, don't give up - try a different teacher or form of Yoga as they can be so different.
The Yogis from India have known for centuries that these practices are necessary for health - can you tap into this ancient wisdom and get involved?